Leaked screenshots touted to have been snapped from an unreleased version of WhatsApp have hit the Internet, giving us an early glimpse at what the voice calling feature will look like. Now we know that we’ve spoken about the VoIP function’s pending arrival a number of times without it ever having actually landed. But the fact that the service exists is something we’re absolutely sure of and this is further proof.
These shots have allegedly been found in a new Android build of WhatsApp. As you probably know by now, two main versions of the app are available at a time, with one of them being available on the Play store and the other through the service’s official site.
According to GSM Arena, the images have been pulled by AndroidWorld.nl by dissecting the latter build. What’s made clear by them is that the chat functionality of WhatsApp will stay separate from the voice calling feature as there will be different screens for dialing, call logs as well as contacts. There are also indications that users will be able to record calls for hearing them later.
While the developers have made it clear in the past that voice calling will be rolled out forWhatsApp sometime in Q1 of 2015, they are yet to reveal whether it will be accessible for free or not. When Facebook bought the company, it had revealed that it intends to keep the popular app ad-free for the time being, but there’s no telling when that decision could change.
We’ll bring you more on the WhatsApp voice calling attribute as soon as additional details on it are made available.
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