
With the announcement of the iPhone 6 today, Apple also announced that iOS 8 would officially release to the public on September 17, which is just two days before the iPhone 6′s September 19 release. However, what does this mean for an iOS 8 jailbreak?

Ever since the initial announcement of iOS 8, jailbreakers have been curious as to when an iOS 8 jailbreak would hit the public. Of course, we could rely on past history as far as when to expect it, but even that’s a little shaky.

While the iOS 8 betas have allegedly been jailbroken already, we wouldn’t get our hopes up just yet on a public release this month.

In fact, we likely won’t see an iOS 8 jailbreak until closer to the end of the year at the earliest, and that’s because jailbreak developers don’t want Apple to patch up the exploits used for the jailbreak too early. What this means is that if devs were to release the jailbreak to iOS 8 right now, Apple would quickly patch it up before the final version of iOS 8 even releases to the public, and that would be bad news for obvious reasons.

We should ultimately expect the same time frame as the iOS 7 jailbreak, which was released a few months after iOS 7 was publicly launched in September 2013. Because of this, you’ll be waiting a while for an official iOS 8 jailbreak to release.

It’s nothing new when a jailbreak developer posts photos or videos of a successful jailbreak attempt without releasing the exploit to the public, but it seems i0n1c (who also teased a successful iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak) isn’t very liked amongst the jailbreak community, especially on Reddit, where his constant teasing has made many upset, calling him a “troll” and claiming that he’s simply “attention seeking.”
